I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA

Publication Criteria

Monographs should be between 40,000-60,000 words. 

Submitted manuscripts will be read and commented on by at least two expert members of the Editing Board, and (if necessary) one external scholar expert in the field of research in which the proposed monograph centres its research.

Manuscripts on any poetic aspect, which should be edited following the MHRA Style Sheet, can be submitted by email to 


or sent directly to the section directors. Authors wishing to discuss a proposal informally in the first instance, may contact the relevant section directors, Professor Gianni Turchetta (giovanni.turchetta@unimi.it) or Dr Alberto Comparini (alberto.comparini@unitn.it). 

Manuscripts can be either in English or in Italian.

Deadline: July 31 (of any year)
Evaluation: December (of the same year)
Publication: Spring (of the following year)

The next Publication year is 2022.