I L  P I E T R I S C O

Learned Online Journal of Modern and Contemporary Studies  -  POETRY   PROSE   CINEMA

Publication Criteria

The section Prose of Il Pietrisco accepts for publication:

  • unpublished short stories in English or in Italian
  • unpublished and published texts and contents in video format
  • unpublished and published e-texts


We ask that, once the directors of the section have committed to publish your texts (in whatever format) in Il Pietrisco, the authors do not publish their new work elsewhere for a period of 6 months. After that initial period, we ask authors to let us know of any intention to publish the same texts in new online or printed sources. 


Annual calls for texts and contents will be published in February with a submission deadline by the end of April. All proposals have to be sent through the dedicated email prose@pietrisco.net

We ask authors to send us an email with 3 different files:

  • the content proposal, which should not exceed 900 characters with spaces;
  • a brief author biography;
  • the complete proposal.


The Director will contact the authors of the accepted proposals by the 30 th of June. The texts/contents will be published within 6 months.